Do you know any confident people in their 60s who need to compulsively remind you that they attended a good college–and got As? Do you know any truly-loved people who keep insisting, twenty times a day, that everyone loves them? Trump’s dirty secret is that he’s just smart enough to know that he’s a fraud, and not smart enough to forget it. You don’t have to be a psychotherapist to see that Donald Trump’s loathing for others is just an offshoot of his loathing for himself. Then he Spanxes up, re-colognes himself, puts on a red Trump necktie, and goes out into the world to proclaim his own greatness. He begins every day by engineering that combover, the equivalent of The Great Wall of China.

Consider Trump stepping out of the shower–forced to confront all that sun-lamped, over-fed, over-cologned flesh, and those hate-lines around his pout-shaped mouth, and, of course, that wildly asymmetric mass of orange-Kool-Aid-colored hair, still wet from the shower–on one side of his head, it hangs down past his shoulder in a huge ragged curtain on the other side of his head, there is nothing but bald scalp and sadness. To paraphrase Bob Dylan, even Donald Trump must stand naked, and like everyone else sometimes he winces at what he sees. Trump’s Self-Hatred Will Destroy His Campaign by JOHN ESKOW treason and complicity is like a wine barrel over fermenting wreaking in some poison leaking oozing dripping with a stench wrenching the air being scooped up by the walking dead, the American public demagogued by the media. The Arabs need to make one more whack at America that would cinch Jeb for at least a close run to win the presidency. However likely mask the whole event with Cheney’s Don Quixote secret army of mercenaries blasting a special part of American population that grabs the anger to fill the hatred of the nation where only those secret metadata bases developed by Booze Allen and Hamilton subcontractors in complicity with the Arab Bin Laden family during the Bush years. Way too early, however, the Paris terror action is troubling during this political campaign, it fits perfectly into the Bush Crime Inc. We shall see, however, it would turn into a spectacle likely Trump would lose.Īs the first comment said, “time to hand off to Jeb, this makes him look good”. Then put that anger where it counts, in the court of punitive damages. The New York Times is angry that Donald Trump mocked one of its reporters who has a physical disability. Of course most enjoy incredible pay or Christmas bonus, or any bonus for special political gaming. Modern television journalists enjoy the electromagnetic fortress in specialized expertise always begging the question yet knowing the answers they want. If that phrase “ how flimsy our reasoning has become and the demagoguery MSM ” is what I think it is, that MSMBC is the polished monument, the Lancelot of the media round table in the study for intentional misunderstanding.